You may have several questions before agreeing to any counseling online or via phone.  Below are the most commonly asked questions. Feel free to call 915-204-8932 for any other specific questions that you may feel are not answered on this page.

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What does a Metaphysical Spiritual counseling session look like?

A counseling session based on Spiritual Metaphysical principals is not significantly different from any counseling session in that it is you sitting with the counselor talking about yourself and your concerns. Where it begins to be different is that we will talk about your relationship with God, your understanding of your relationship to the Universe and your power to create your life experiences based on those beliefs. It is also different in that the processes used may include working with Universal energy and your individual energy system, called chakras, as well as an understanding of yourself beyond just your physical existence.

Does spiritual mean religious?

No. Spiritual refers to your personal relationship with God, a Higher Power, Source, the Universe or a power greater than yourself. It is about how you relate to this Higher Power and your understanding of what your relationship means and how to work with it to bring greater harmony, understanding, healing and love into your life.

What is a Virtual Reality Question under Ask Sandra?

This service provides the opportunity for you to ask for guidance on a specific topic or situation by asking a brief and direct question. You will receive a response based on your question offering you a general sense of direction for you to consider. Oftentimes people need to sound out their decisions and to receive feedback on specific situations and this new program offers you that opportunity. It is also a way for you to determine if a private session would be of greater service to you.

What is Psych – K?

Psych-K is a process of working at the subconscious level to transform a negative belief that sabotages your conscious intentions, creating negative experiences coming from your unconscious beliefs about yourself or the world.

Why does it work?

Psych-K works because its process work is done at the subconscious level of the mind which works “habitually” and where beliefs are often “hidden” from our conscious awareness, making it difficult to create change no matter how much conscious effort we exert.

What issues can Psych-K help me with?

What we believe, we think about, and what we think about, we speak about and then act on. Psych-K can offer subconscious support to any conscious decision to make a change in your life, no matter the belief or the change you desire to make.

What is NLP?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming is comprised of several processes that work with the understanding of the dynamics between mind (neuro) and language (linguistic) and how that interaction affects our behavior (programming).

How does it work?

As human beings, what we know as reality is based on our perceptions of reality. It is our ‘neuro-linguistic’ perceptions of reality that determine how we behave and that gives those behaviors meaning. Because it is generally our beliefs about reality that limit us or empowers us NLP, like Psych-K, offers ways in which changes can be made at the subconscious level that can impact the outcome of your life.

How many times do I have to come to counseling?

There is no formula or set number of sessions to resolve personal issues outside of group or class format. The goal is to help you manage your life better and you may decide that one session has helped you to do that.

Do you take insurance?

I will be glad to work with your Carrier provided that you have contacted them to ensure that they cover Spiritually-based counseling and that you have provided me with the necessary forms and personal information to file a claim under your coverage. Any sessions prior to establishing an account with your Carrier would have to be paid at the time of service and thereafter can be billed.

When is payment due?

Payment is due at the time of each session. Payment method can be discussed at the time you calendar your session.

How do I set up a session?
Just call 915-204-8932 and we will set up a time that works with your schedule and mine.